What's it all about anyway?

What is knowles.technology ...

Well, I always wanted chrisknowles.com but some dude in England has had that locked up for a few decades now (man, it sounds odd to say that) and with the advent of the new domain extensions, I thought this was was a cool one to grab.

Still working on exactly what this "brand" will represent. Just as there are a lot of facets to me (more below), there are a lot of facets to technology and the combination of the two is still evolving...

Who is knowles.technology ...

As of the moment, knowles.technology is just me, Chris Knowles, native of the United States.

Born and raised a Southerner.

I am a very flawed Christian but I do believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and I have accepted him as my Lord and Savior. If you are around me enough, you'll see the flaws ... I don't judge other's personal choices, that's between them and God but generally, there are things I believe that go against what has been laid out for us through the life of Jesus and subsequent teachings by the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, sometimes I will voice my opinions on those things.

I am blessed to be a husband to a beautiful wife and father to four beautiful daughters.

Conservative politically, I do believe that individual responsibility is key, not everything is a "right," social justice is the greatest danger a free society, people should follow the law, government should be smaller, not bigger and the only thing besides myself responsible for me from cradle to grave is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

You're welcome to follow me on Facebook or Twitter but be forewarned, I am quite political there!

Technology has been my primary income source and definitely a passion (lots of college, no degree) and I have been fortunate to work with very stellar people at incredible companies throughout my career, including my current employer ... you can see more about my professional life on LinkedIn .

Music is my other love. I am a classically trained musician (Drums/Percussion primary, some guitar, keys and bass), occasional Music Producer, owner of Heavenly Sounds Studio in Woodstock, GA.