Pool leagues

I am currently working with Lights Out Billiards, Inc. in Woodstock, GA, operating a Wednesday night pool league out of Big Shots Billiards.

We play 8-, 9- and 10-ball in a Handicapped Race format for Skill Levels 1 - 11. We are sanctioned by both American CueSports Alliance (ACS) and Cue Sports International (BCAPL). All players in good standing get Fargo ratings AND credit for all league games played!

You can find more information at http://www.acsgaleagues.com

Why do i play pool?

Geez, that's like asking a fish why it swims in the water ... 

I have a wonderful love-hate relationship with the game of pool. It reminds me of when I got into golf many years ago.  No matter how hard you work at it, you will get better, and then, magically, get worse again ... LOL.

I started back in January of 2023 and it frustrates the crap out of me but also can give me great joy.  Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference ...